Capture your stories in stunning 4K, with high definition audio

Why Stories?

As we pursued Becoming Our Age’s mission, exploring rites of passage and ways of growing into responsibility within greater community, both David and Luke heard many stories of longing. “I wish I could hear my mother’s voice one more time.” “Grandpa had such amazing stories. I wish he could share them with my kids.”

We have also experienced unexpected loss of a family member and watching someone slip away due to memory loss or cognitive decline. David personally grieved that his wife would never know his grandparents well.

Stories is here to help you create a beautiful recorded conversation about your unique life experiences to share with your loved ones and preserve these memories for years to come. Video brings you to life unlike any writing or pictures can. It captures your message, your overall affect, tone, and comedic timing.

We offer both online and physical delivery options so that you can share these videos privately with family members, or broadly on social media.

At this time, we are offering Stories packages out of our intimate studio in Lake Elmo, Minnesota.

Our Offerings


Why Gold? 

  • This is our main offering

  • You want a clean video to easily share with family, friends, or on social media

  • You are more interested in the final product than the process

  • What’s Included?

    • 4-hour studio reservation

    • Interview with David in English, approximately 2.5 to 3 hours on camera

    • An edited version of the video, approximately one and a half to two hours in length, including: 

      • Chapter markers for easy seeking

      • Use of multiple camera angles to enhance the storytelling

    • The BOA Stories team will publish the edited video to an unlisted link or publicly on our YouTube channel

      • You may also request delivery of the video files on a USB-C Hard Drive and/or Blu Ray for an additional charge

    • The Stories team will keep an offline copy of the unedited and final video files for at least 365 days

    2024 Pricing

    • $1,949


Why Platinum? 

  • This is our upgraded offering, with more editing and polish, giving a more cinematic feel 

  • You want a polished video to easily share with family, friends, or on social media

  • You are more interested in the final product than the process

  • What’s Included? 

    • Everything in Gold, Plus:

      • Use of multiple camera angles and panning for a cinematic feel

      • Interlaced pictures or video, digitally provided by you prior to editing

      • Manually reviewed subtitles 

    2024 Pricing

    • $2,999

Other Offerings

Are you looking for…

  • a multi-session video memoir,

  • on location filming,

  • multi-person discussions,

  • narrative storytelling to combine interviews,

  • purpose-built shorter videos,

  • to do your own editing and maintain your own copyright, or

  • a full documentary?

Why Diamond? 

  • You want to create a long form memoir or documentary, but not the process of writing, editing, and publishing. 

Why Silver?

  • You want to handle all of your video files offline 

  • You want to publish the video on your own social media brands 

  • You want to do your own editing 

2024 Pricing

  • Contact us to discuss timeline and pricing for Diamond, Silver, or custom offerings

Ask a question or schedule a call.

Email us at Text us or leave a voicemail at (651) 300-4780.

Common Questions / FAQ

  • A legacy video or video memoir is a gift of your story to your audience, whether it is an audience of one, an audience of close family members, or even a story you want the entire world to see.

    Video brings you to life unlike any writing or pictures can. It captures your message, your overall affect, tone, and comedic timing.

  • Besides our obviously biased, “everyone,” there are a few types of people who will find value in video memoirs. If you have:

    • proud accomplishments to communicate,

    • family stories to share,

    • children and/or grandchildren spread across the country or globe,

    • medical reasons that may change your ability to tell these stories in the future,

    • a legacy or inheritance of values to communicate.

    To maximize your impact, we advise that you do some planning prior to recording, including answering the next question.

  • David asks this question prior to or during each interview. It is of critical importance.

    Stories videos are often done for children or grandchildren. These young people are later able to hear the maker of the video at their best, at the point of time of recording. Legacy videos help convey values, family stories of struggle (and success) and explorations of where we come from.

    The recordings are also be to shared more broadly on social media to inspire others, advance a cause, build a brand or feel better understood.

  • Whenever David is asked this, he answers, “Do it!”

    If you have a desire to make a legacy video or video memoir, you can do so with a phone or laptop. You just need to be able to answer a few questions:

    • What do I plan to say?

    • Who is the audience for this?

    • How will it be stored and transmitted?

    Stories offers a premium experience. Dedicated studio space, specialized equipment, an experienced interviewer, professional video editing, and knowledge from Luke’s years of experience in Hollywood ensure results. It is for people who value the quality we provide.  

  • We will make a video about this in the near future. It varies based on the intent of the interview and how much preparation was done in advance on the interviewee’s side. Some people come in with an agenda and David walks them through it. Some have wanted to walk through their life chronologically or topically.

    This is also why “Who is it for?” is such an important question. Once we know this, we can tailor the interview to not just the most interesting stories, but the most powerful meaning for the intended viewer.

  • This depends on our current workload. We batch our interviews, and the editing takes time. The delivery will typically be measured in weeks, not days.

  • A lot of the value Stories brings is lessened over video call. Feel free to contact us about your specific desires and we can discuss.

Interested? Ask a question or schedule a call.

Email us at, text us or leave a voicemail at (651) 300-4780.